Sunday 5 January 2014

5th week reflection ( 30th Dec - 5th Jan)

                  Hye there, sorry guys due to some technical errors, I couldn't update my blog yesterday. Hmmm.. what is so special about last week. It was another awesome week. I had a great time with my family and friends at my hometown. I really miss them a lot.
                  I had a long and fun new year. The moment I celebrate my new year was awesome. A lot of happiness. New year, new resolutions, new friends and so on. Of course I never attend few classes due to this celebration. But I have explained to my lecturers, they all are really very understanding. They can understand our feelings that staying far away from my beloved family and friends. I had a lot of funs. I went out with my family. We all had floor dance and of course watched new released movie. I was having and fun all the time.
                 I got received my new year dress. It was awesome. And of course a lot of sweets. I love chocolates. My father bought a lot of yummy chocolates from Singapore. When I say Singapore, I can't forget my cousins. They all awesome. We all went shopping, buy some stuffs, went to clubbing. It was a family club. We boys and girls very close with each other. Thats all for the last weekend, hopefully this weekend will be wonderful as the rest. Bye tc for now.

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