Sunday 29 December 2013

4th week reflection (23rd Dec - 29th Dec)

             Hye there, this week was as normal as the past other weeks. As I told earlier, I am at my hometown now. I reached here last Thursday (20th Dec). This week Monday, starts as normal. I went to my uncle's house. There was a small prayers for my late grandfather.
             That prayer was a bit boring because a lot mantra's to tell. But all of my family members attend the prayer. I and my other cousins had a lot of fun. The next day Tuesday, nothing much. I over slept. I also don't know why, I woke up around 12 pm on that day. I love my parents a lot. They never asked the reason why I woke up late neither scolded me. The same day I got my new phone. Another home coming gift from my wonderful parents.
             The next day Wednesday, was Christmas. Wish you guys a blast Merry Christmas. I went to my aunt's friend house. They all are really very welcoming. After that I went to my another uncle's house at Kulai. There was another prayers for my aunt's late father. Some of my relatives came there. We children sat outside and talk a lot of things, especially the upcoming new year party at our homes.
             The next day Thursday, I went to watch movie with my family members. That was a Tamil Language movie. The movie was awesome. While I'm enjoying myself with my family also I didn't forget to do my assignments. I have done my assignments on time. The next day Friday, morning itself I started to do my assignments and also started to search materials for my assignments.
              The next day Saturday, I never wake up at all. I woke up around 2 pm something because last night I was video chatting some of my primary school friends. I really missed them a lot. We all also have planned to have a get together when we all free time in the following year. Today Sunday, I went to the temple in the morning. I think I have to ask a huge apologises to my lecturers. Because this week I'm not going back to my University. My uncles strictly told me to spend this week with all of them. I really love them a lot. Hopefully my lecturers wont punish me or bar from the final examination. I am praying to god the next year must be a great year for me and my family members as well. I love my family a lot. 

Saturday 21 December 2013

3rd week reflection (17th Dec - 22nd Dec)

                           Hye there. How are you all? This week is an awesome week. Guess where am I now. I'm at my hometown now. This week Monday I never attended the morning two classes. I was went back to Seremban so I never attended the class. But I attend my afternoon class which is taught by Mrs. Nadiah Yan, writing multimedia and web. The class was normal as usual.
                           The next day, is Tuesday where I only have one class in the morning. I was a bit late to my class. But my lecturer never angry on me, I explained to her that I'm not feeling well. After the class I went back to my hostel and start to do my assignments.
                           The following day Wednesday, I attended my Business English class. We all submit our home works to our lecturer. Besides that, we all did our quiz. It was quite though. I have studied very hard for the quiz, but when saw the questions it was not so easy. Some of the questions were I really don't know what to write.
                          Next class was Academic Writing. We all studied about write references in APA style. It was easy to understand. The class was boring but I enjoyed it. The next day, Thursday. I planned to go back to my hometown, JB. Besides that, I was not feeling well, so I went to clinic and get the MC. At the class, we were taught about other poems.
                          After the class, I never go for lunch also. I and my course mate can also tell my good friend Ami went to KTM by taxi. We take KTM at 11 am something. I reached TBS around 12.30 pm something, I took bus at 2.45 pm. I came to my hometown with my friend. Hahaha. Such a good friend. After I reached the bus stop my mother pick up me.
                         After I reached home I straight away off to bed. I was too tired. I woke up at 1 pm the next day. It's today. I just ate bread and drank coffee. Then I watch movie with my family members and after that I start to update my blog and another assignment.
                         Tomorrow Sunday, I hope it will be a great Sunday for me. I was thinking of getting new phone. Let's see what is going on. So see you guys in the next post. For now bye and take care. Be happy. Chezzzz....

My Friends

                         Hye there. Glad to meet you all once again. Hmmm... What is the meaning of a friend? Let's see a quotes explains about it. A friend is friend is someone who you think your life would be different if they didn't exist, a friend is someone who never leaves you, but you are always included when you are with them, a friend is there for you, no matter what.
                         I have a lot of friends. As for me, I like to make new friends. But I won't forget my old friends when I found someone new. Besides that, I don't have any best friend or close friend. My best friend is my mother. But I have few people who can named as my good friends. At my hometown I have a lot number of friends. They all my primary school and secondary school friends. Most of them are very friendly and open minded. They really took care of others. One person who I very close is Shweta Raja. She is my childhood friend. I love her a lot. Currently she is studying in Singapore Polytechnic.
                         Now at UPSI I don't have any close friends who I can share my happiness and sorrows, but I have some good friends and seniors. They are there for me whenever I need someone to share everything. Here at UPSI I have learnt an important lesson that we should not believe everybody. We can mingle with everyone but can't simply believe everyone without reasons. Besides that, I have few dreams about the person who is going to be my best friend. She/He must be open minded and very friendly. Do not leave me whenever I'm facing problems. Must backup me and always care about me and other things as well.
                         Until today I never got someone who same age with me. But my mother is my best friend. I love my mother a lot. She is the best mother. She is my best friend. Ok guys, see you in next post. Take care. Bye.

Saturday 14 December 2013

2nd week reflection (9th Dec - 16th Dec)

                      Hye there. Happy to meet you all. This is a great week for me. 8th Dec after the Diwali Nite, I was very tired so I fall asleep so soon. I was very tired for the last whole week because of the event, so can't get enough sleep. Monday 9th Dec I couldn't wake up in the morning. I was absent to my first class, which is Mrs. Maria's class. My next class was at 10 am to 11 am at new campus. I attend that class.
                     After come back from that class, I went to KTM to sent back my friend. After that, I went to my room and take a small nap. Even I over slept and never attend my first class, but I felt that my body is very weak. The next class on that day was at 4 pm, Writing for multimedia and web. There I did my presentation in prezi. I was too nervous, I did several mistakes. But my lecturer told, I was good enough.
                     After successfully did my presentation I was quite relieve, and then I prepared myself for my tomorrow's newsletter presentation. The next day, Tuesday. I only have one class on Tuesday's, Computers and writing. We have to present our newsletter on this week. But my lucky, mine was not presented. I have few mistakes to be repair in my newsletter. I went to ask my lecturer's opinion about my outcome. My lecturer give some tips to make change in my newsletter. After the class I went to hostel, I wash my clothes and started to do my assignments for this week.
                     That was a rainy day, so after finish some of my assignments I take a small nap. The next day is Wednesday. Morning was Business English class. We all have acted a rude telephone conversation in the class. Everyone laugh at our act. It was quite fun. After the class I went to take my lunch with my friends. Around 1 pm something I have reached my hostel. I started to do my assignments. Even assignments makes me irritating, the tension is also fun. That day, my afternoon class was cancelled due to my lecturer's health condition. So I went to town with my brother to buy some things for our post mortem about the Diwali Nite with all the committee members. That night the meeting went well, we all cut cake and celebrate our victory.
                    The next day, Thursday. I have only one class on this day, but the class was cancelled too. So I went to library with my Academic Writing group member's to do my group assignment, after that I went to my hostel and take a small nap. Around 5 pm something I got woke up and prepare things to do henna on people hands at new campus. Because it was part of an assignment in Keusahawanan subject. It was quite fun. We started to put henna on people hand at 5.45 pm and finished it at 7 pm sharp. I planned to go to my uncle's house on that day. But it was failed. So I come to my uncle's house on the next day morning. I reached my uncle's house around 2 pm something, I take a small nap, after that I started to play with my small cousins. Both of them very cute. The next day Saturday I did my assignments. It was not to say a boring day, quite okey. Today Sunday, I feel better till now. I don't feel want to sleep, so I update my blog. Now I feel little bit sleepy, I off to bed now. Good Night. Sweet Dreams.

My Family

             Hye there. I'm back. Today I'm going to tell about my family members. We are 5 of us in my family. We all are always the kind of stick together. My family is a sporting and friendly family. There is no place for secrets in my family. In another word we are very open minded.
             My family leader is my dearest father Mr. Mohana Das Munisamy. He has turned 43 on last 2nd June 2013. My father is my hero. My father is working as a supervisor at Mandrin Hotel, Orchard Road, Singapore. He loves to play badminton every weekend. His favorite food is "nasi lemak". He likes to eat "durian" a lot.
             My mother is Mrs. Sumathi Subramaniam. She is one year younger than my father. My mom loves gardening and cooking. During weekends, my mother will try on new dishes, sometimes it will fail but , most of the time will be successful. She like yellow color, and of course she like sunflower. Besides that, my mom is a kind and wise woman. She is a friendly woman as well.
            I have two siblings, both of them are females. I'm the elder child in my family. My first younger sister name is Ruthra Mohana Das, she is currently working in my uncle's office after complete her SPM. She is not talkative like me. She is a quiet and nice girl. She is a brilliant student. She likes to learn piano.  My youngest sister name is Sangitha Mohana Das. She is eleven years old. She is studying in Tamil school. Sangitha loves singing. Recently, she has won first price in a singing contest. She is a smart girl.
            As for myself, I have given a huge introduction about me last week. My name is Narumatha Mohana Das. I'm 19 years old, and doing my Diploma in Sultan Idris Educational University. I'm a short temper, friendly and a talkative girl. I really love to make a lot of friends. I'm a quite sensitive. I don't like people hurt me. Besides that, I love drawings, singing, dancing and photography as well. My friends always tell me I'm good in editing pictures.
           I'm really happy to have a family like this. Understanding parents, friendly siblings I'm consider myself very lucky. We usually will have few funny activities such as crossword puzzles, finding hidden pictures, go for a picnic and so on. I'm thanking to God for giving me such a wonderful family. I hope others also having fun with their family members. Bye for now.Have a nice day ahead. Take Care.

Sunday 8 December 2013

1st week reflection (2nd Dec - 8th Dec)

                 This week was an awesome week for me. I really had a lot of sweet memories. 2nd Dec 2013, Monday, starts as normal. Morning I attend Reading for aesthetic class. The class went normal. We all present our 1st assignment. The next class starts at 10 am. Not to say bad. I enjoy it. My following class was at 4 pm, so I went back to my room and take a small nap. After that, I attend Multimedia and Web class. Everything went well. But for sure I was damn busy on this week, because end of this week 8th of Dec 2013, we all the Indians in UPSI celebrated a Diwali Nite function named, "Light For Charity".
                 Everyday night I had meetings. Even tired i was really enjoyed it all. The next day Tuesday, I attend my 1st class of Computers and Writing. My lecturer was very strict, so I was very afraid to talk with her and also answer her questions. This is because the week before due to some problems I was not able to attend her class, but after the class I went to met her. She is such a nice woman. On Tuesdays I only have one class. On that day night, I went for rehearsal with my brother. I and my brother was planned to sing a song on that Diwali Nite. 
                 The third day, Wednesday also went well. On that day, I had my Business English class with the same lecturer for my Computers and Writing. I'm not afraid of anything after that, so I had a good conversation with my lecturer. Besides that, I enjoyed her class. My class was Academic Writing at 4 pm. So far we have learnt about few things in that class. After the class, I not even get a chance to bath straight away went to attend a meeting at new campus. Because my class finished at 7 pm, my meeting at 7.30 pm. Such a rushing day. 
                 The next day, I was really excited because I planned to went back to my hometown, but I went to Seremban my uncle's house because the following Saturday was my mother's birthday. So after the class, I went to Seremban. My mother told she want to meet me at KL. So I come up with a plan to celebrate her birthday. I told to my committee members about this event, ask them to take care of this event from my site until I back to UPSI. Friday I never attend the class. I was just waiting to celebrate my mom's birthday. The day came. I and my best friend went to KTM KL to visit my family. I was really excited. On that day, we all went to KFC and after that i took KTM with my friend and both of us reached UPSI. On that same night I went for a full rehearsal. The next day was the program. I was really nervous . The day come. The program went with full of joyness. I sang very well. I gave my best, everyone praised me. I felt very happy. Last week went well. Hopefully this week will be the better one. Bye bye. Take care. 

Monday 2 December 2013


              Hye there. How are you? Hopefully everything going well. Now, sometimes it is really hard to introduce yourself because you know about yourself so well but you don't know where to start with it. Let me introduce myself. My name is Narumatha Mohana Das. But that's not my only name. Usually my friends and teachers call me "Naru". My family members have a another name for me, but its quite secret. I am from Johor Bahru, Skudai.              
                 Anyway I'm 19 years old and of course I'm still single but apparently not available. I am doing my Diploma In English at Sultan Idris Educational University. I am the first child among my 2 younger sisters in my nuclear family. I am very close with my parents and siblings as well. My father name is Mr. Mohana Das, who is a supervisor at Mandarin Hotel, Orchard, Singapore. My mother, Mrs. Sumathi Subramaniam is a house wife. Well if want to know about my lovely sisters, one of them doing her form 5 and another one is primary 5.             
               My ambition was become a lawyer since childhood, but my mom's desire is want me to become a lecturer. I really don't like teaching, but I love my mother a lot. My mom is not only just my mom. I don't have someone specifically as my best friend. My mother is my best friend. I share everything with her. Honestly I don't have nothing to hide with my mother. Firstly, I really don't want to become a lecturer, but now I really want to be. I knew my mom's decision is always perfect.             
               I am not a person who is very quiet, I am a very talkative and friendly person as well. I really do talk a lot. I won't fear to talk with someone I never knew before. I love to get to know new people. I love to make a lot of friends. But when its come studies, I will be very careful. I am a bit selfish, especially in my studies. Besides that, I love brothers but I don't have one. I have a lot of elder brothers in my University. I love them all a lot and a lot. Other than that I love cooking. I really try new recipes, but I swear I won't taste it first.           
              I am a good singer as well, but will be nervous when at stage. I also have learnt Indian classical dance. I love to draw. I am able to draw cartoons such as Mickey Mouse and other Disney cartoons when I take a look at them for the first time. I am a horror lover. I have a large number of horror novels collection and movies as well. Seriously I'm not scared with ghost and spirits but I'm very scared with cockroaches and cats. I don't know I really can't stay quietly when I see them.            
             Basically I am a positive mind person, as for me there is nothing out there I can't do. Maybe got, but I always give a try before I say I can't do it. My policy is always the same. If you give me respect, treat me well, I will do the same thing to you and seriously I hate traitors. I really don't like gossipers as well. Now, the most important thing I am very sensitive and of course short temper as well. So that's all about me. A simple introduction. There is will be more updates. Don't miss it. As for now, bye..bye.. have  a nice day ahead.